I have received confirmation of my official invitation... FINALLY!
I was so freaked out because the unexpected phone call started out very serious with me being drilled with intense questions about the various challenges that will be unique to myself and my position in the special education program in Africa. Luckily I was on my game and responded with, in my opinion, pretty thorough and quality answers - not too bad for having just been woken up by the actual phone call itself! =P
After the round of information gathering the woman then revealed that she was calling from the Africa Placement Office (the call initially started out vague: "I'm calling from the Peace Corps"). She then went ahead and deemed me "qualified" and officially invited me to join and leave in November!
I'm told that I'll receive all my official information and documentation in the mail within the coming week - from there I will know for sure my country of assignment and exact departure date. From what I gathered through our conversation though, its as we expected: Kenya and Deaf Education. Of course, she wouldn't verbally confirm over the phone. I just have to wait for the mail. Oh Peace Corps...
So proud of you, love!!!